Robot Control Library
* @example rc_test_kalman.c
* Tests the linear kalman filter in <rc/math/kalman.h> by simulating pushing a
* mass of 1kg back and forth with a force of 1N. A noisy position sensor is
* simulated as well as noisy control input u which just toggles back and forth
* between +1 and -1.
* State equations:
* - x = [position] = [ 1 , dt]x + [ 0.5*dt^2 ]u + w
* - [velocity] [ 0 , 1 ] [ dt ]
* - y = [pos_est] = [ 1 ]x + w
* - [ 0 ]
* @author James Strawson
* @date 4/26/2018
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <rc/math/kalman.h>
#include <rc/time.h>
#define Nx 2
#define Ny 1
#define Nu 1
#define DT 0.05
#define REVERSE_TIME 2.0
static int running = 1;
// interrupt handler to catch ctrl-c
static void __signal_handler(__attribute__ ((unused)) int dummy)
int main()
// declare variables
int counter;
// allocate appropriate memory for system
rc_matrix_zeros(&F, Nx, Nx);
rc_matrix_zeros(&G, Nx, Nu);
rc_matrix_zeros(&H, Ny, Nx);
rc_matrix_zeros(&Q, Nx, Nx);
rc_matrix_zeros(&R, Ny, Ny);
rc_matrix_zeros(&Pi, Nx, Nx);
rc_vector_zeros(&u, Nu);
rc_vector_zeros(&y, Ny);
// define system
F.d[0][0] = 1;
F.d[0][1] = DT;
F.d[1][0] = 0;
F.d[1][1] = 1;
G.d[0][0] = 0.5*DT*DT;
G.d[0][1] = DT;
H.d[0][0] = 1;
H.d[0][1] = 0;
// covariance matrices
Q.d[0][0] = 0.1;
Q.d[1][1] = 0.0001;
R.d[0][0] = 1.0;
// initial P
Pi.d[0][0] = 0.0001;
Pi.d[1][1] = 0.0001;
if(rc_kalman_alloc_lin(&kf,F,G,H,Q,R,Pi)==-1) return -1;
// set signal handler so the loop can exit cleanly
signal(SIGINT, __signal_handler);
running = 1;
counter = REVERSE_TIME/(DT*2.0);
// based on time, see if we should reverse u
if(counter > REVERSE_TIME/DT){
counter = 0;
if(u.d[0]<1.0) u.d[0]=1.0;
else u.d[0]=-1.0;
// bump up y to see x_est track
// update filter
if(rc_kalman_update_lin(&kf, u, y)) running=0;
// print result
printf("\rpos: %5.2f vel: %5.2f u: %5.2f y: %5.2f ", kf.x_est.d[0], kf.x_est.d[1], u.d[0], y.d[0]);
return 0;