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March Dog Dish

from the foundation
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Summer of Code, Shenzhen and SDR

The Foundation is excited to again be taking part in Google Summer of Code. We have a great team of mentors looking forward to guiding students through the process of contributing to Open Source. Students can still apply by Friday, March 25th.

The BeagleBone Green IoT Contest ends March 31st, but there is still time to submit your project for a chance to win a Maker Faire Shenzhen trip. The new KiwiSDR cape launched last week on Kickstarter and aims to make Software Defined Radio (SDR) easily accessible to BeagleBone users.

    — Christine Long, Executive Director


Students: Apply for Google Summer of Code 2016
Students: Apply for Google Summer of Code 2016

University Students: Get paid to work on Open Source this Summer with mentors.

Apply by Friday, March 25th! »

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Last chance for BeagleBone Green IoT Contest
Last chance for BeagleBone Green IoT Contest

BeagleBone Green IoT contest on will send 3 winners to Maker Faire Shenzhen. Project submission deadline is Thursday, March 31st.

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KiwiSDR: Wide-band SDR + GPS cape
KiwiSDR: Wide-band SDR + GPS cape

Turn your BeagleBone Black into a wide-band (0-30 MHz) SDR with a multi-user web interface. Includes a software-defined GPS receiver.

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SanCloud BeagleBone Enhanced on Indiegogo
SanCloud BeagleBone Enhanced on Indiegogo

2 months left to back the SanCloud BeagleBone Enhanced on Indiegogo. 1GB RAM & Gigabit Ethernet. Optional WiFi/BT & sensors.

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hot off the presses

BeagleBone Home Automation Blueprints

BeagleBone Home Automation Blueprints

Great introduction to the world of Beagle all the way to software defined radio, computer vision and car monitoring



SE Michigan BeagleBone Users Group - April TBD
more »

Embedded Linux Conference - April 4-6
ELC is a technical conference for systems and user space developers in the embedded space. more »

Penguicon - April 29 - May 1
Southfield, Michigan. Non-profit, community-run convention for open source software and hardware, science fiction, gaming, DIY, and more. more »

community topics

Bela audio cape funded
topic related image

Bela is an open-source embedded platform for real-time, ultra-low-latency audio and sensor processing on the BeagleBone.

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Quest for a Logic Analzyer
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"What makes the BeagleLogic special is it uses the BeagleBone PRUs [..] This is one thing that sets the BeagleBone apart from other SBCs."

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Cosmic rays measured with BeagleBone-based data acquisition

Performing signal digitization and data acquisition of rare decay events. The instrument is using the BeagleBone Black with stacked ADC+FPGA board

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featured projects

19th century radio technology meets the BeagleBone image
19th century radio technology meets the BeagleBone

Ashish Derhgawen built a coherer-based receiver with a simple decoherer mechanism connected it to a Beaglebone to decode the received signals

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Pocket Drum kit image
Pocket Drum kit

Carmelito Andrade created a pocket drum kit using the SparkFun capacitive touch keypad and the BeagleBone Black

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Emco Turn 120P Machinekit control panel image
Emco Turn 120P Machinekit control panel

Custom 12" touchscreen control panel for a CNC machine powered the BeagleBone Black running MachineKit (a fork of LinuxCNC).

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3D printing with OctoPrint image
3D printing with OctoPrint

Install OctoPrint on BeagleBone and use the browser-based interface to control and monitor 3D printing

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