December Dog Dish

from the foundation
Jason Kridner
The Year of the Beagle

2014 has been an amazing year for BeagleBoard.org and BeagleBone Black, the most successful open hardware computer ever invented. I know what you are thinking; "Jason, didn't that board from the UK outsell BeagleBone Black?" Sure, but that board isn't open hardware: there aren't open source layout...

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CircuitHub Simplifies Cape Assembly with Group Buys

By Jason Kridner

Gaming Cape

In last year's TI intern contest, Max Thrun amazed us with his incredible video of the making of the GamingCape that turned a BeagleBone Black into a handheld-gaming console running on AAA batteries. If you are like me, you immediately wanted one of your own. Max released all the design materials as open source, but actually building one 

Thanks to CircuitHub's new group buy campaign tool, instead of spending about $1,000 on just a single board assembly, we are each able to buy one for under $100! If more people buy them, the price might even go down further, so encourage your friends to buy one too. So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to the group buy campaign and turn your BeagleBone into a handheld gaming device too!

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hot off the presses

BeagleBone Black Interfacing: hardware and software

BeagleBone Black Interfacing: hardware and software

A highly practical guide to using Debian and Python

community topics

New Debian Release Candidate
Debian logo

Robert and others have been working hard improving the default BeagleBone Black Debian image. He's got a new release ready for community feedback. Among many improvements are a simple installer for Java, C compiler for the PRUs, Dart language support and a simpler process for upgrading the kernel.

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featured projects

Open qPCR
Open qPCR - DNA Diagnostics for Everyone

Turning DNA into data just became affordable, and biohacking will never be the same. This project is an open source Real-Time PCR Thermocycler, a powerful technology that can detect foodborne contaminants like E. Coli and Listeria, as well identify fraudulently labeled food products. It's used to diagnose infections such as HIV, Malaria and even Ebola. Chai Biotechnologies has recently completed a successful Kickstarter to launch building this device around BeagleBone Black.

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Carbide Labs Pick 'n Paste
Pick 'n Paste - Desktop Circuit Assembly

Carbide Labs, a startup out of Philadelphia, is developing a desktop circuit assembly tool that is enough to melt any maker's heart thanks to its capability to cut both the time and cost of a prototyping project. Not only does the Pick 'n Paste place components on an unpopulated board for you, but it also goes one step further by applying solder paste, which can be used to secure the components through a separate baking step. All you have to do is place your board and components in the work area, input information about the prototype's design, perform a quick calibration and voila - your project is on its way to completion!

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